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What does it mean if I have few comments?
Updated over a week ago

Having an active discussion page is a huge benefit of validating on Prelaunch. And when the discussions are sparse, it can be understandably demotivating. But don’t worry!

There could be a number of reasons why you have few comments:

  • Not enough visitors — let’s be honest, most visitors don’t comment. And if you don’t have many visitors, the active commenters probably haven’t shown up yet

  • No welcome comment — don’t underestimate the power of you welcoming your community. If a visitor lands on an empty discussion board, it’s hard for them to take the first step

  • Low engagement — if you don’t actively engage your community by replying to existing comments, newcomers will think there’s no point to adding to the one-sided discussion

  • Wrong audience — you may not have found the right target audience, who is interested enough in your product to leave a comment

  • Quiet audience — let’s face it, not every product or audience is as active as we’d like. Some products and audiences can be a bit harder to publicly engage with

  • Lack of information — if your landing page is too basic and your product presentation doesn’t make sense, people won’t have enough information to make a relevant comment

  • Poor performance — following on from the previous point, a lack of comments might also match low-performance scores across your project. Improve your page and product presentation to improve all scores, and comments will pour in!

Check out what to do to solve most of these here.

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