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Project approval metrics
Updated over a week ago

Text inputs


  • The text should be added at all placeholder places.

  • The format is fully under the responsibility of the creator and cannot be chosen as a metric of rejection on the support side.


  • The whole page should be created in one language for an easier user experience.

  • Any offensive language is banned from use.

  • Gibberish is not acceptable

  • Currently, the only supported language is English

  • Any Kickstarter/Indiegogo references should be deleted.


The exaggerated use of the punctuation marks is not acceptable.

Media Content


  • The image quality of the input images should be high, without granulated images

  • Cropped images can be suggested to be removed, however, cannot be a matter of the project rejection

  • The images should be added at all places, if a placeholder is used without an image - the project will be rejected.


  • The “Soon at Kickstarter” watermarks on images/videos can be used, however, the suggestion to replace images should be sent to the user.


  • The deposit price should be around ~1-2% of the general price of the product. (e.g. if the product price is $200 the deposit price should be around ~$2)

  • Make sure that discount is counted right

  • The general page should be edited and be visually appealing

  • An image should be added at a placeholder place

  • The price should be edited and added according to the project’s vision

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